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Abstract submission

Abstract submission is now closed. 


The maximum abstract length is 175 words. The recommended language is English. Spanish and Italian are also welcome. However, we invite you to prepare your PowerPoint in English. 

Information For Presenters





Contributed Symposia consist of 4 presentations and a discussion on a specific topic. Each presenter will have 20 minutes maximum, including short questions. Symposium organizers should provide additional discussion time at the end of the individual interventions. The organizer of the symposium will ensure that the total duration of the session is kept within the time frame.



Oral presentations


Each presenter will be given 20 minutes maximum, including questions. Participants who will gave a talk should bring their PowerPoint presentation on a USB memory stick. Please, see the technician at the slide check desk at the break before your session to load your presentation onto the conference computer. We kindly request presenters to keep talks to the prescribed length. Time Chairs will raise signs to indicate 5 minutes remaining, 2 minutes remaining and time is up.



Poster presentations


Each poster presenter(s) will carry, place and remove the poster at the indicated time. Please, be aware that the organizers are not responsible for posters that are not removed on time. The Organization is not responsible or any damages that may occur if the poster is not removed at the times indicated.

Poster dimensions: 0.90 m wide x 1.2 m tall.

Design: Text and illustrations should be legible from 2 meters.

Poster presenters should refer to the program to find the board number assigned to them. Please, use the poster board with the designated number.

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